Portes Obertes a les Universitats i Centres Educatius del Districte Creatiu
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The Trinijove Foundation invites all creatives and artists from Barcelona Creative District to participate in its eighteenth edition of the networking day for entrepreneurs. An opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, share experiences and find support, suppliers, collaborators and even clients. It is the perfect occasion for anyone in the field looking to improve the scope of their business, expand their network of contacts or seek new inspirations. The event will take place on December 16 at 11am in the spaces of the foundation.
Since 1985, the Trinijove Foundation has been active in the field of training and socio-labor insertion, it actively works in the implementation of innovative measures and programs in order to overcome situations of social exclusion. Every year it organizes a day so that the entrepreneurs of the Creative District can grow their network of contacts, and this year it honors the creative and artistic sector.
When: Thursday 16 of December at 11am
Where: Pujades, 97
Sign up here.