Disseny Hub Barcelona
Visit the Disseny Hub Barcelona program. Both temporary exhibitions:
BANKSY. The Art of Protest: A large international exhibition organized by Sold Out, which has received more than a million visits on its world tour. Check prices
The making of making (architecture): Analyzes the design processes of the studio founded by Josep Miàs in 2000.
60 anys d’ADG-FAD: More than eighty designers wanted to be part of this show by creating a poster commemorating the 60th anniversary of their association.
Also, the permanent exhibitions: Objectes comuns. Històries locals, debats globals, Extraordinàries! Col·leccions d’arts decoratives i arts d’autor (Segles III-XX), Modernisme. Cap a la cultura del disseny and El cos vestit. Siluetes i fashion (1550-2015).
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 – 20:00