From April 12 to 14

AR-DE, Art and Design

Circuit of art galleries, showrooms and museums from Poblenou that introduces emerging and established artists and national and international designers. The aim of this unique route circuit is to give visibility to all the programming of the spaces that are part of the Creative District of Barcelona.


Espais participants

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Edicions anteriors

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AMAGATS és una proposta disruptiva com a galeria d'art, espai i laboratori centrat en la recerca i venda de peces de processos creatius d'artistes de meitat de carrera. Esbossos, experimentacions, proves, maquetes, assajos, tot allò abans de l'obra final. Una associació per incentivar als amants de l'art a crear una col·lecció d'art a preus assequibles i inversió a futurs.

Per aquesta edició d'AR-DE presentan una exposició i venda de processos creatius originals de 22 artistes: Juan de Andrés, Francesca Llopis, Plácido Romero, Nicole Gagnum, silvia hornig, David Ymbernon, Tomás Morell, Diego Guirao, Manuel Aramendia, Humberto Rivas, Anet Duncan, Syd Mostow, Idoia Monton, Montse Baqués, Laura Baringo, Pablo Leonardo Martínez, Víctor Pérez-Porro, Hiroshi Katamura, Yvan Mas, Charo Gálvez, María Mercader.
Dissabte de 11h a 14h i de 17h a 21h
Diumenge de 11h a 14h i de 17h a 20h
Entrada gratuïta
1 Activate location


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Enjoy the five permanent exhibitions of Disseny Hub on decorative arts, fashion and Catalan design. You can also visit the two new temporary shows:

  • “Som aquí! Les dones en el disseny. 1900 – Avui”: a claim of the work of all those women who contributed to the world of design from early modernism to the present.
  • ” El Millor Disseny de l’Any” (MDA): a compilation of more than 400 winning works or finalists of the FAD Art Awards, FAD Architecture and ADG Laus.

The programming is complete with other exhibitions and pop ups: “Vestir la silla Desnuda”, “Premis Catalunya d’Ecodisseny” and “Òh!pera”.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 20pm
Low rate entry (to benefit from the discount it is essential to mention AR-DE at the box office of the Disseny Hub Barcelona)
Exhibition “Som aquí!”: 3€
Exhibition “MDA”: 2€
Combined – 5 permanent + 1 temporal (“Som aquí!”): 4€

Enjoy the five permanent exhibitions of Disseny Hub on decorative arts, fashion and Catalan design. You can also visit the two new temporary shows:
  • "Som aquí! Les dones en el disseny. 1900 - Avui": a claim of the work of all those women who contributed to the world of design from early modernism to the present.
  • " El Millor Disseny de l'Any" (MDA): a compilation of more than 400 winning works or finalists of the FAD Art Awards, FAD Architecture and ADG Laus.
The programming is complete with other exhibitions and pop ups: “Vestir la silla Desnuda”, “Premis Catalunya d’Ecodisseny” and “Òh!pera”.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 20pm
Low rate entry (to benefit from the discount it is essential to mention AR-DE at the box office of the Disseny Hub Barcelona)
Exhibition "Som aquí!": 3€
Exhibition “MDA”: 2€
Combined – 5 permanent + 1 temporal (“Som aquí!”): 4€
2 Activate location

Disseny Hub Barcelona

Enjoy the five permanent exhibitions of Disseny Hub on decorative arts, fashion and Catalan design. You can also visit the two new temporary shows:

  • “Som aquí! Les dones en el disseny. 1900 – Avui”: a claim of the work of all those women who contributed to the world of design from early modernism to the present.
  • ” El Millor Disseny de l’Any” (MDA): a compilation of more than 400 winning works or finalists of the FAD Art Awards, FAD Architecture and ADG Laus.

The programming is complete with other exhibitions and pop ups: “Vestir la silla Desnuda”, “Premis Catalunya d’Ecodisseny” and “Òh!pera”.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 20pm
Low rate entry (to benefit from the discount it is essential to mention AR-DE at the box office of the Disseny Hub Barcelona)
Exhibition “Som aquí!”: 3€
Exhibition “MDA”: 2€
Combined – 5 permanent + 1 temporal (“Som aquí!”): 4€

Ket Galeria, the smallest art gallery in Catalonia, invites you to discover the installation “Dona-li al cor” by Francesc Fusté Saus where a giant heart is depicted that beats in order to value the organ that gives us life, but we never see it. The sculpture reflects on the pleasure of the unconsciousness of our own heart.

Friday from 18am to 21pm
Saturday from 12am to 14pm and from 18am to 21pm
Sunday 12am to 14am
Free entry

Ket Galeria, the smallest art gallery in Catalonia, invites you to discover the installation "Dona-li al cor" by Francesc Fusté Saus where a giant heart is depicted that beats in order to value the organ that gives us life, but we never see it. The sculpture reflects on the pleasure of the unconsciousness of our own heart.
Friday from 18am to 21pm
Saturday from 12am to 14pm and from 18am to 21pm
Sunday 12am to 14am
Free entry
3 Activate location

Ket Galeria

Ket Galeria, the smallest art gallery in Catalonia, invites you to discover the installation “Dona-li al cor” by Francesc Fusté Saus where a giant heart is depicted that beats in order to value the organ that gives us life, but we never see it. The sculpture reflects on the pleasure of the unconsciousness of our own heart.

Friday from 18am to 21pm
Saturday from 12am to 14pm and from 18am to 21pm
Sunday 12am to 14am
Free entry

La Plataforma, art gallery and creative production studio, invites us to reflect on the fierce consumerism, the plunder of natural resources and the massive destruction of the landscape with the individual exhibition “VÉRTIGO”.

The german artist Stefanie Herr will offer two talks (Saturday and Sunday) to publicize her lines of work. In addition, on Sunday there will be vermouth with the artist.

Friday from 10h to 14h and from 15h to 19h
Saturday from 10h to 14h and from 16h to 19h
Sunday from 11h to 15h
Free entry

La Plataforma, art gallery and creative production studio, invites us to reflect on the fierce consumerism, the plunder of natural resources and the massive destruction of the landscape with the individual exhibition "VÉRTIGO". The german artist Stefanie Herr will offer two talks (Saturday and Sunday) to publicize her lines of work. In addition, on Sunday there will be vermouth with the artist.
Friday from 10h to 14h and from 15h to 19h
Saturday from 10h to 14h and from 16h to 19h
Sunday from 11h to 15h
Free entry
4 Activate location

La Plataforma

La Plataforma, art gallery and creative production studio, invites us to reflect on the fierce consumerism, the plunder of natural resources and the massive destruction of the landscape with the individual exhibition “VÉRTIGO”.

The german artist Stefanie Herr will offer two talks (Saturday and Sunday) to publicize her lines of work. In addition, on Sunday there will be vermouth with the artist.

Friday from 10h to 14h and from 15h to 19h
Saturday from 10h to 14h and from 16h to 19h
Sunday from 11h to 15h
Free entry

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Museu de pintura contemporània catalana que forma part de la Fundació Vila Casas, inaugurat en 2009 en una antiga fàbrica de finals del s.XVIII, propietat de la família Framis, que amb el temps va perdre la seva activitat i es va convertir en un llegat industrial de Poblenou. A Can Framis podràs visitar l’exposició permanent “Monòleg, diàleg i concepte”, que reuneix prop de 300 peces d’artistes contemporanis catalans, que daten des de la dècada dels 60 fins a l’actualitat, com Antoni Tàpies, Josep Guinovart, Ràfols Casamada, Amelia Riera, Viró Cabellut, Jaume Plensa, Jo Milne o Assumpció Mateu, entre altres. A més, també podràs visitar l’exposició temporal “Papers d’ombra” de Pep Duran Esteva.
Dissabte d'11h a 18h
Diumenge d'11h a 14h
Entrada amb tarifa reduïda 4€
5 Activate location

Museu Can Framis

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Piramidón, a hybrid space between creation factory and art gallery, presents “Stanzas”, the individual exhibition of the resident artist Eduard Resbier that explores the fine line between figuration and abstraction, reality and fiction, through blur and blur. On Saturday 21 October will celebrate another edition of its famous vermouth.

Friday 10am to 19pm
Saturday 11am to 14pm
Free entry

Piramidón, a hybrid space between creation factory and art gallery, presents "Stanzas", the individual exhibition of the resident artist Eduard Resbier that explores the fine line between figuration and abstraction, reality and fiction, through blur and blur. On Saturday 21 October will celebrate another edition of its famous vermouth.
Friday 10am to 19pm
Saturday 11am to 14pm
Free entry
6 Activate location

Piramidón, Centre d’Art Contemporani

Piramidón, a hybrid space between creation factory and art gallery, presents “Stanzas”, the individual exhibition of the resident artist Eduard Resbier that explores the fine line between figuration and abstraction, reality and fiction, through blur and blur. On Saturday 21 October will celebrate another edition of its famous vermouth.

Friday 10am to 19pm
Saturday 11am to 14pm
Free entry

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Espacio 88, és un lloc que s'adapta i transforma segons els projectes que acull, siguin arquitectura, disseny i art. Per a aquesta edició d'AR-DE presentaran la nova exposició "Contagis" de Marina Manyà en el seu white wall. La mostra es planteja com a propagació d'intuïcions, relacions i processos materials; també de límits que, com la pell, s'estrenyen i s'eixamplen. En aquest sentit, aquests colors de les obres semblen també ser cossos. El dissabte tindrà lloc un Meet the Artist, trobada amb Marina Manyà d'11.30h a 14.30h, es convidarà a una beguda de cortesia i els assistens podran conèixer el lloc, veure la mostra i conversar amb l'artista.
Divendres de 18.30h a 21.30h
Dissabte d'11.30h a 14.30h
Entrada gratuïta
1 Activate location

Espacio 88 – Enrica Mosciaro y Castel Estudio

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Concept store, estudi de tatuatges i botiga de roba que va obrir les portes a la fi del 2022 per a revolucionar Poblenou. FEOS presenta un esdeveniment molt especial flashday de tattoos, on podràs tatuar-te en el mateix moment. Tot estarà acompanyat de molta música amb DJ's i el millor ambient.
Divendres i dissabte d'11h a 20h
Entrada gratuïta
1 Activate location

FEOS Poblenou

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Espai Mietis és la primera flagship store de la signatura a Barcelona, que neix amb la voluntat d'oferir una experiència creativa completa bussejant en el món de Mietis. Ha estat creat per a proporcionar moda i cultura a la comunitat Mietis oferint una experiència creativa adaptada als interessos particulars de cada client. Per a aquesta edició de AR-DE Presentaran la nova col·lecció de MIETIS de la mà de la seva dissenyadora Maria Fontanellas i el seu equip. A més podràs visitar la flagship store de la marca, galeria, atelier & studio amb decoració estil Memphis que destaca per la seva geometria, color i creativitat.
Divendres de 10h a 22h
Dissabte de 9h a 15h
Entrada gratuïta
2 Activate location


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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Botiga de làmines vintage i marcs amb una selecció de més de 1500 pòsters: fotografia, botànica, publicitat antiga, art clàssic, pintures orientals, entre d'altres. La botiga ha programat per al circuit AR-DE una exposició amb les darreres novetats en la selecció de làmines de fotografies en blanc i negre, temàtica oriental i publicitat vintage, travel Poster i més sorpreses més per venir a descobrir.
Divendres, dissabte i diumenge d’11h a 14h i de 16h a 20h
Entrada gratuïta
3 Activate location

Moryarty Posters

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Noak Room, showroom specializing in Scandinavian vintage furniture and decoration, has become a classic decoration in Barcelona. For a decade, new collections of iconic pieces have been released each season: furniture, chairs, lights, tables, etc., by designers such as Ilmari Tapiovaara, Hans Wegner, Bruno Mathsson and Arne Jacobsen.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 14 pm and from 17 am to 20 pm
Free entry

Noak Room, showroom specializing in Scandinavian vintage furniture and decoration, has become a classic decoration in Barcelona. For a decade, new collections of iconic pieces have been released each season: furniture, chairs, lights, tables, etc., by designers such as Ilmari Tapiovaara, Hans Wegner, Bruno Mathsson and Arne Jacobsen.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 14 pm and from 17 am to 20 pm
Free entry
4 Activate location

Noak Room

Noak Room, showroom specializing in Scandinavian vintage furniture and decoration, has become a classic decoration in Barcelona. For a decade, new collections of iconic pieces have been released each season: furniture, chairs, lights, tables, etc., by designers such as Ilmari Tapiovaara, Hans Wegner, Bruno Mathsson and Arne Jacobsen.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 14 pm and from 17 am to 20 pm
Free entry

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Concept store dedicada al disseny de productes i moda per al públic més unusual. És una de les primeres botigues conceptuals del barri de Poblenou. Unusual* Concept Store presentarà la nova temporada de primavera – estiu 2024 amb productes de moda entre els quals destaquen, mobles, il·lustracions, revistes i objectes quotidians.
Divendres i dissabte d’11h a 20h
Entrada gratuïta
5 Activate location

Unusual* Concept Store

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Espais participants

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