Portes Obertes a les Universitats i Centres Educatius del Districte Creatiu
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BAU, Barcelona University Design Center and Razzmatazz join forces in a new collaboration All Together Razz to support emerging talent in the field of fashion and creativity.
This event, which promises to be a showcase of innovative design, will take place on June 17 at 18:00h in the main hall of Razzmatazz. On June 17 will be presented at Razzmatazz the collections created by the students of the Master in Fashion Design and Technology and the Master in Fashion Creative Direction of BAU. Each of the students will present their personal collection, offering a wide variety of styles and unique approaches. Throughout the master’s degree, they have developed innovative collections that combine cutting-edge fashion design with a sustainable, creative, groundbreaking and critical look at the environment and society.
Admission to the event will be free, although it is necessary to register in advance through the Eventbrite platform. Those interested are advised to register in advance to guarantee their attendance.