Art is one of the cornerstones of the neighborhood, which brings the most creative and personal touch. There are a lot of spaces dedicated to art and creation in Poblenou, which join us to celebrate together the Poblenou Open Night. So that you can fully enjoy a night full of creativity, we introduce you to the spaces that have prepared for you exhibitions, guided tours, markets of exclusive design products and much more!
- Mercè Girona Studio
A small retrospective of the artist’s work: exhibition of selected watercolors that range from the small format prevalent before, to today’s favorite large format. Ball of small jewels of yesteryear that return to see the light, and that are taken from the hand of the most recent works of the artist to make a symphony of colors and sensations.
19h a 23h
Roc Boronat 56, 2ª
- Onair Barcelona
LILITH – Aerial dance show.
Two unique functions:
22: 30h – only with invitation + 23: 30h – until full capacity (max: 150 people)
One more year Onair has prepared a show to show the neighborhood and everything
Barcelona its main activity, the aerial dance. After the success of FALLINGANGELS this year we present LILITH, an ode to female power, full of emotion and revenge.
22.30h a 23.30h
Pere IV 99
- Carmina Wiegerinck
Open doors in the studio of the artist Carmina Wiegenrick, where you can discover his way of working, his style, and above all, know first hand his work!
19h a 23.30h
Ciutat de Granada 9, bxs
- Art Gallery CHEZ XEFO
Closing of the LOOP Festival with the screening of the video “Unveiling the Bride” by the artist “Ramon Guimaraes” curated by Marta Pol. Meet one of the most welcoming galleries in the city and its groundbreaking proposals!
18h a 00h
Badajoz 46
- La Plataforma
In the Platform, art gallery, the exhibition of Automatic Deliriums of Joaquin Urbina and collective exhibition. Also a boiler room with the best DJ sets paired with food & cocktails.
19h a 01h
Pujades 99, bxs.
- Espacio 88
Present MINIMAL REALITIES8:00 p.m Talk of Fabbula. Less is more, panorama of minimal virtual reality experiences in arts, games, fiction and documentary.
20:30 p.m. Virtual reality projection
19h a 23h
Pamplona, 88
- TransfoLAB BCN
Exhibition and guided exhibition throughout the space by the hand of Síntesis Contract (sintesicontract.com), Dani Bejarano (danibejarano.com), Transfodesign (transfodesign.info), Agustina Garrigou (www.agceramica.com)
19:00 – 01:00 TransfoLAB BCN – Lanzamiento de campaña de crowdfunding en Goteo
19:00 – 20:30 Dani Bejarano y Ben Hunter (instagram.com/ben.hunter.works/) – “Taller de muralismo en espacios públicos”
20:00 – 20:30 Cunicode (cunicode.com) – “Como escanear en 3D el mundo con tú móvil y software gratuito”
20:30 – 21:00 Calum Pheby – “Coffeecup Challenge”
20:30 – 22:00 Agustina Garrigou – Demostración en vivo de su técnica de trabajo en torno alfarero y modelado
22:00 – 23:00 DJ Set Willblacke (soundcloud.com/willblakemusic) & Kuor Larraz (soundcloud.com/kuorlarraz)
19h a 01h
Ciutat de Granada 71, bxs.
- Galería L&B Contemporary Art
The Galleria L & B presents a site specific performance by the Italian artist Katia Giuliani. Since the idea of making CRASH! in Barcerlona, as in a kind of diary, the performer began to write down all the moods that induced her mind towards a situation of restlessness. In CRASH! # 2 – Atto Finale, Katia Giuliani in first person tries to make a powerful and incisive gesture, a cathartic process that through symbolic action tries to invalidate such emotions.
CRASH! # 2 – Atto Finale, will take place in an intimate space of the gallery on November 23. The performance will be recorded with the aim of being projected during the following days, until November 30, in the same place where the performance is performed. “
20h a 01h
Àlaba 58
- Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani
Open workshops by the artists Rosanna Casano and Tono Carbajo where we can be with them knowing their latest works and projects sharing a little pica pica.
19h a 22h
Concili de Trent 313
- Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
Open doors at the Design Museum to celebrate the Poblenou Open Night! Take this afternoon to discover everything that Museum of Design hides behind its walls!
10h a 20h
Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes 37
- Zvonimir Matich
The artist Zvonimir Matich opens the doors of his studio to make a guided exhibition through his most recent work.
19h a 00h
Roc Boronat 56, 3ª
- Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
On Friday, November 23, starting at 7:30 p.m., we invite you to unveil your nighttime self in a workshop that will combine creative writing with a photographic session. For the first time, Nomad Studio and Stay Hungry combine strength and talent to think about this event that aims to reveal that side of your identity that emerges at night. + INFORMACIÓN 19h a 00h
Av/ Diagonal, 205
- Space
Enjoy the exhibition of Bernat Barrios in the Space art gallery!
19h a 01h
Pujades 60, 1/1a
- Manifest Destiny
Arty Party! Opening of the exhibition “The mask we wear”. They present 10 artists from around the world. Music and art for a spectacular night! #Artsypartsy
19h a 01h
Ciutat de Granada, 42
- Talleres Europa x Codea Studio
Discover the creative soccer league! The creatives and creatives of Barcelona have found a way to get rid of stress, and they want to present it to the Poblenou Open Night 2018! With a 3×3 tournament, Newtown League is made up of the creatives of Barcelona. We will not know who has more creativity in the head … but if the field. In addition, the tournament will have a soundtrack by the DJ sets of LowKeyMoves + NTL Soundsystem
18:00h – 21:00h — Torneo NewTown League fútbol 3×3
18:00h – 21:00h — Dj sets by: LowKeyMoves + NTL Soundsystem
18h a 21h
Joan d’Àustria 86, Baixos.
- Retorno Studio
Discover Return Studio with its market of vintage objects!
19 h a 23h
Pujades 172
- Fundación Palo Alto
Palo Alto Foundation will open creative spaces with different activities around social action, sustainability and creativity.
7pm to 9pm We take advantage! Palo Alto Open Cata, a culinary workshop against food waste with chef Sergi de Meià and the Re-design workshop!
7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Brother for Change organizes the colloquium “Houston, we have an opportunity” that will talk about how to use creativity to generate solutions to social problems.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Photographer Alicia Garcia will hold the photography workshop with mobiles. Take your mobile in the photographic composition workshop and learn how to make aesthetically correct photos.
7pm to 4pm Javier Mariscal will open the doors of his studio with an exhibition of his creations and where you will also have work to acquire.
>> The workshops and activities have limited capacity. REGISTRATIONS at >> http://bit.ly/2Di1ml0
19h a 01h
Pellaires 30 – 38
- Filippo Ioco Studio & Gallery
Closing party! Closing of the exhibition of the young Catalan artist Sergi Muñoz Lozano. Discover local art in the most international gallery!
10h a 22h
Llacuna, 45
- Jet8 Foundation
The JET8 Foundation believes in communities as a key element for the integration and construction of solid relationships. Adored by thousands of Parisians, the duo of French artists Toqué Frères will paint the door of the social space of the foundation (the DEN Hall) with a message that will animate the day to day life of the community that is Poble Nou. The app “Toqué Frères” It can be downloaded for free from the Play Store.
19h a 01h
Llull 70-72.