Portes Obertes a les Universitats i Centres Educatius del Districte Creatiu
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The contemporary art gallery and production studio La Plataforma opens its doors to inaugurate the new season 2021-2022. The first big event will be the exhibition of the most recent work of the artist Riccardo Nannini a.k.a. Cane with the exhibition “Così fan tutte”.
The opening will take place on 23 September at 19.00 and will be attended by the artist himself. The exhibition will be open until 30 October during the gallery’s regular opening hours.
Riccardo Nannini – better known as Cane – reflects on individualism and its most narcissistic facet, focusing on the way we communicate our Self and the need to constantly express who we are, what we think, what we consume, how we live, with whom we relate … and on the noise that this generates.
“Così fan tutte” emphasises this contemporary contradiction which is the search for personal distinction through the same actions and how this desire has become a mass aspiration. In the show however, we will not find a moralistic judgement on these issues, but rather a humorous, sometimes even absurd, representation of these behaviours. A light tone and an apparent frivolity pervade the entire exhibition; the bright colours characteristic of Nannini’s paintings and his constant pop references contribute to this sensation. The artist seems to want to entertain rather than intellectualise, yet his message remains incisive.
Highly elaborated works, full of details, force us to take our time to look at them, thus forcing the necessary deceleration: less communicative frenzy, more reflection.
Riccardo Nannini’s artistic career begins in 2009, a turning point in his personal life: he decides to move to Barcelona, abandons his career as a designer and enters the artistic life of the city. He starts collaborating with artists, magazines and underground galleries. While continuing his self-taught studies, he refines his pictorial and narrative skills.
La Plataforma is a contemporary art gallery and production studio that opened its doors at the end of 2010 in Poblenou in a former printing press, transforming the space into a gallery and production studio. The gallery promotes the work of emerging and mid-career contemporary artists specialising in different disciplines such as painting, photography, illustration and multimedia.
Throughout its ten-year trajectory, La Plataforma, one of the founders of Poblenou Urban District, has promoted and produced parallel cultural dynamisation projects through festivals, circuits and talks where its fundamental objective is to bring art closer to the public.The contemporary art gallery and production studio La Plataforma opens its doors to inaugurate the new 2021-2022 season. The first big event will be the exhibition of the most recent work of the artist Riccardo Nannini a.k.a. Cane with the exhibition “Così fan tutte”.
The opening will take place on 23 September at 19.00 and will be attended by the artist himself. The exhibition will be open until 30 October during the gallery’s regular opening hours.
Riccardo Nannini – better known as Cane – reflects on individualism and its most narcissistic facet, focusing on the way we communicate our Self and the need to constantly express who we are, what we think, what we consume, how we live, with whom we relate … and on the noise that this generates.
“Così fan tutte” emphasises this contemporary contradiction which is the search for personal distinction through the same actions and how this desire has become a mass aspiration. In the show however, we will not find a moralistic judgement on these issues, but rather a humorous, sometimes even absurd, representation of these behaviours. A light tone and an apparent frivolity pervade the entire exhibition; the bright colours characteristic of Nannini’s paintings and his constant pop references contribute to this sensation. The artist seems to want to entertain rather than intellectualise, yet his message remains incisive.
Highly elaborated works, full of details, force us to take our time to look at them, thus forcing the necessary deceleration: less communicative frenzy, more reflection.
Riccardo Nannini’s artistic career begins in 2009, a turning point in his personal life: he decides to move to Barcelona, abandons his career as a designer and enters the artistic life of the city. He starts collaborating with artists, magazines and underground galleries. While continuing to study as a self-taught artist, he refines his pictorial and narrative skills.
La Plataforma is a contemporary art gallery and production studio that opened its doors at the end of 2010 in Poblenou in a former printing press, transforming the space into a gallery and production studio. The gallery promotes the work of emerging and mid-career contemporary artists specialising in different disciplines such as painting, photography, illustration and multimedia.
Throughout its ten-year trajectory, La Plataforma, one of the founders of Poblenou Urban District, has promoted and produced parallel cultural dynamisation projects through festivals, circuits and talks where its fundamental objective is to bring art closer to the public.