L’Off Llum Bcn 2025 transforma el Poblenou en un epicentre d’art lumínic de la mà de Poblenou Urban District
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From 15 to 17 February, the OFFLlumBCN’19 event will be held by some of the associates of Poblenou Urban District, where you will discover an alternative route to the LlumBCN’19.
At dusk, the artistic and creative spaces of the neighborhood will illuminate the streets and present small-scale festival lighting proposals. Spaces usually closed to the public during these hours, such as the Palo Alto Foundation, will open the doors with light proposals that will surprise the audience. Art galleries and museums such as L&B Contemporary Art, Manifest Destiny Art, La Plataforma Art Gallery, Chez Xefo gallery, Can Framis Museum will reinvent their exhibitions to adapt them for OFFLlumBCN. Restaurants like El Quinto will offer a marriage between light and gastronomy. Studies of design and production as Carpintectura, Nodo and Story: We Produce, will take your imagination to walk for the joy of passers-by.
#OFFLlumBCN 15 to February 17 from 7pm to 00h
OFF Llumbcn 2019
15, 16, 17 February, Poblenou.