Disseny / Art 2 months

Open doors to celebrate DHub’s 10th anniversary

DHub Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary with an Open Weekend on December 14th and 15th

The Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub) celebrates its 10th anniversary this December. Over the past decade, it has established itself as the nerve center of design and creative industries in the city. To mark the occasion, the DHub is hosting a special weekend event open to the public.

On Saturday, December 14th, and Sunday, December 15th, the DHub will hold open doors, allowing everyone to visit all current exhibitions at the facility for free. These include 3 permanent exhibitions (Objectes comuns. Històries locals, debats globals; El cos vestit. Siluetes i moda (1550-2015); i Dissenyes o treballes? La nova comunicació visual. 1980-2003) as well as 4 temporary exhibitions (L’Oceà parla. Noves ecologies i noves economies del mar; 100 objectes d’IKEA que ens hagués agradat tenir a VINÇON; La producció de l’alteritat; i Inspired in Barcelona: Terra Rossa).

Throughout the weekend, visitors can also enjoy Constel·lacions, an installation illuminating the building’s main lobby starting December 12th. The sculpture consists of around sixty illuminated spheres supported by rods up to 4 meters high, forming a tree of lights that symbolizes the various design disciplines housed within the DHub. At night, the building’s lights will be dimmed to highlight this spectacular illuminated sculpture, which will be visible from the façade on Carrer d’Àvila. Additionally, a miniature replica of Constel·lacions will be displayed at the entrance of Plaça de les Glòries.