Art 4 weeks

Presentation Art brut, bruta tú, 100mg by Fátima Masoud

La Escocesa presents Art Brut, bruta tu, 100mg by Fátima Masoud, a medication in the form of a publication that questions the ways we approach mental health and its relationship with the art world.

January 25, 12:00 – 13:30
At La Caníbal bookstore

Art Brut, bruta tú, 100mg is part of the outcome of the research project How do we get them to leave us alone?, which took place at La Escocesa during 2023 and aims to produce a film about the Mad Pride movement worldwide. The project is conceived as an experimental and collaborative exploration of processes and methodologies for collective work on artistic projects and community health.

The book has been printed at La Escocesa’s risography workshop by Marian Vélez, with text and drawings by Fátima Masoud and design by Valentina Alvarado Matos.

Free activity with no prior registration required.