Urban Talks 3 years

TALK #1 Mutant Territory

There is a technology that slowly transforms the urban environment, in sight and in parallel to the big infrastructures, that connects people and objects, measures all kinds of parameters, regulates temperatures of buildings or guides people through their mobile phone through the best route.

Under this technological epidermis, there is also a set of realities in continuous change that affect the  inhabitants of the cities, realities that are rewritten over and over again. A geography of data and cables that cross each and every one of the streets and that demonstrate the physicality of internet and the non-existence of “the cloud”. In short, silent witnesses to the urban change in continuous acceleration that we are experiencing, on which we will reflect on this first round table conference.

Participants: Frankie Pizá (Moderator) ⟶ Mario Santamaria (Artist / Teacher) ⟶ Pedro Lipovetzky (Domestic Data Streamers Visual Design Director)
Time: 11:30h-12:30h
Entrance: Access to the talks is free. To access it will be necessary to present the COVID passport.

You can follow the Urban Talks through streaming on our YouTube channel and Instagram profile


Per accedir a la sala cal presentar un dels certificats emesos per un servei públic de salut.

– Certificat de vacunació vàlid (han hagut de passar 14 dies des de la darrera dosi)

– Certificat de prova diagnòstica negativa (realitzada a les darreres 72h per a PCR i 48h per a test d’antígens). Les proves s’han de fer en un centre homologat per la Generalitat de Catalunya. Al següent link trobareu el llistat de centres que està en continua actualització i ampliació: https://canalsalut.gencat.cat

– Certificat de recuperació

Comprova que el teu passaport COVID et dóna accés a l’entrada al següent link: https://verificacovid.gencat.cat/

Hauràs d’acreditar la teva identitat mitjançant algun document oficial


Els menors de 16 anys hauran d’anar acompanyats del pare o venir acompanyats d’un adult major de 18 anys i presentar un formulari de consentiment que l’organització facilitarà a l’entrada.