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The Urban Talks of Poblenou Urban District are back. A series of conferences with the aim of opening a debate with citizens about culture and creativity in relation to the urban environment.
The Urban Talks are a unique opportunity to discuss art, heritage, economy, technology or sustainability with professionals who have excelled in these fields and allow us to see the future of cities with optimism.
This year we celebrate the fourth edition of Urban Talks, a cycle organized by Poblenou Urban District, Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, La Plataforma and Life In The Woods. In addition, it is once again supported by the European H2020 project CENTRINNO and the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, IAAC as Venue Partner.
Under the title “Keys to Urban Transformation” three talks are presented that seek to map the key elements for the necessary transition of cities, extending lines between scales, the interrelationship between public-private actors and the visual representation of cities, with examples from multiple European countries, and with the testimony of the protagonists of these transformations.
These first Urban Talks of 2022 will be held on May 18th and are free of charge until full capacity is reached.
TALK #1 / Time 16:10h
From the Hub to the City: A Scale for Urban Transformation
This first talk will explore how and why the Fab City Hub concept at a local level has the potential to transform and impact across the territory, from the hand of some of the protagonists of the program, through three examples of projects in three different urban environments: Zagreb (Croatia), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Milan (Italy).
Participants #TALK 1:
Carlotta Fontana (Moderator)⟶ Cecile Bang – Urban Strategist & Senior Project Manager at the Danish Design Center (Copenhague) ⟶ Zoe Romano – Craftivist & Digital Strategist and Liat Rogel – Impact Housing Foundation Director (Milán) ⟶ Bojan Boletic (Zagreb)
TALK #2 / Time 17:15h
The Public and the Private: Actors in Urban Transformation
If the first talk of the Urban Talks proposes the question of scale, and how situated and contextualized initiatives “from below” are contributing to the transformation, the second roundtable will explore how key actors from the public and private sectors contribute and coordinate in this process of urban transformation.
Participants #TALK 2:
Carlotta Fontana (Moderator)⟶ Matthias Solenthaler (Ressources Urbanes) ⟶ Francesco Cingolani (Volumes Paris) ⟶ Alessandra Schmidt (Fab Lab Barcelona)
TALK #3 / Time 18:20h
505KM: The Design of Urban Transformation (Barcelona–Madrid)
How should a 21st century city communicate? What role should public administrations play in the symbolic expressions of urban identity? What should be the regulatory framework for open and transparent creative curatorship?
Participant TALK #3:
⟶ Nacho Padilla (Director Creativo – Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Day: May 18th, 2022
Time: 16:00h-19:00h
Place: IAAC and on Instagram / Youtube / Web PUD
Transport: Metro: Línea 4 Llacuna / Bus: 6, B20, B25
Address: Carrer de Pujades, 102, 08005 Barcelona
Entrance: Free
Languages: English (with simultaneous translation) and Spanish