Portes Obertes a les Universitats i Centres Educatius del Districte Creatiu
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The performing arts in the Creative District have a lot to say and in Poblenou Open Day their voice and soul will be heard in the midst of a very attractive program.
ROC35 will be the space where the theatrical report “Of a loneliness very similar to happiness”, based on a text by Svétlana Alexiévich” will be performed with the actress Patricia Jacas.
Alisa is a senior executive in an advertising agency. She was a journalism student arriving in Moscow in the 1990s when the USSR empire was crumbling. At home, she recounts her memories and her childhood in a small town with Soviet parents, her arrival in Moscow eager to eat the world, her reports and interviews with the new oligarchs, her love story with one of them and the end of the communist dream. A real text written by the Nobel Prize winner, Svetlana Alexievich, included in the volume The End of Homo sovieticus.
Show co-produced by Poblenou Urban District and Factoría Cultural Martinez.
The play now has another look; a theatrical report in which we find the keys to understand what is happening at the present time between Russia and Ukraine.
Time: 18:30 to 19:30 h
Address: Roc Boronat 35
For more information and ticket purchase: Here
Indissoluble opens its Garage to celebrate the tenth edition of Poblenou Open Day by programming the play El Cocodrilo.
“…About how a gentleman of remarkable presence was eaten alive, in one bite, by a crocodile exhibited in a commercial gallery and all that originated”.
Thus begins the fantastic tale that the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky published in 1865 and entitled “The Crocodile“. With an adaptation of the original text by Alexis Callado, script by Blanca Torres and illustrations by Cristina Artés, the artist Enrique Radigales, accompanied by his family, gives life to the characters of this tale.
Turned into a shadow theater, where literary, visual and sound experimentation is mixed, this story summarizes with metaphorical force the evolution of the world in the incipient end of the anthropocene era. A western civilization represented in this Crystal-Palace that Dostoevsky had visited during his stay in London in 1862.
The Universal Exhibition Palace in South Kensington, with its enormous symbolic and programmatic dimensions of this hybrid architectural construction, came to impose on us, according to the writer, the idea that social life could only develop in a domestically ordered and artificially air-conditioned space. Also, why not, in the enlarged interior of the “belly of a crocodile”.
The play, aimed at the whole family from the age of seven upwards, lasts approximately 25 minutes with several sessions during the afternoon of Saturday, May 7.
There will be bar service and screenings of Indisoluble’s most outstanding works during breaks in the performances.
Show times: 12:30 h, 15:30 h, 17:30 h. (closes at 20h)
Address: Pujades 130
The Teatre Nacional de Catalunya offers a limited promotion: tickets at 19,5 € for the May 7 at 7 pm performance of the show “Los hombres y los días” with the promotional code OPENDAYTNC. The promotion will be valid online until May 7 included.
“Los hombres y los días” is the posthumous autobiography of David Vilaseca, where we find a powerful voice and a provocative and stimulating literature. 22 years concentrated in a diary. David Vilaseca captured on paper his daily life from 1987, when he was 23 years old and a young student on an American campus, until 2009, when he was 46 years old and shortly before his death. Now, Xavier Albertí directs the theatrical adaptation of this revelation novel that turns the self, fears, sex and other personal experiences into high-flying literature.
Time: from 19h to 22h
Address: Plaza de las Artes, 1
Tickets: https://www.tnc.cat/ca/els-homes-i-els-dies
Sala Beckett is offering tickets at special prices for the shows on May 7, “La màquina de parlar”, a story of a relationship of power, dependence and love, and “L’Altra”, a provocative, funny and witty play about the tension between science and ethics in our world. Tickets will be available through their website.
La màquina de Parlar:
Promotional code: VictoriaSzpunberg
Promotional code: RocEsquius