Poblenou Open Day

Èxit de la Urban Block Party i la dotzena edició del Poblenou Open Day

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Workshops, talks and activities of Poblenou Open Day

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Theater and performing arts at the Poblenou Open Day

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Tota la proposta gastronòmica del Poblenou Open Day

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Art, design, music and exhibition spaces during the Poblenou Open Day

The spaces dedicated and specialized in art, design, photography and architecture bring us surprises and special activities scheduled for this… More →

The hotels and residences participating in Poblenou Open Day

Within the Poblenou Urban District community you will find an excellent quality of hotels and hostels that have prepared a… More →

Poblenou Open Day, your date with the Creative District of Barcelona

The twelfth edition of Poblenou Open Day, opens the doors of the Creative District on saturday 4th of May from… More →

Gràcies per acompanyar-nos en l’11a edició del Poblenou Open Day

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Poblenou Open DayWAC 2 years

Tallers que trobaràs a la nau WAC Lab Valkiria

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Poblenou Open DayWAC 2 years

Aquestes són les localitzacions de la 8a edició del Windows Art Circuit

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The map where you can find over 60 spaces opening their doors during Poblenou Open Day is now available. Art… More →

Interactive Experience POBLENOU FACTORY / FACTORY: A collaboration between Fab Lab, CENTRINNO and Poblenou Urban District

If we take the word “factory” and remove the accent (factory), we transform a building into an action. This is… More →

Poblenou Urban District firma un nou conveni de col·laboració amb Betevé

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Descobreix tots els tallers, xerrades i activitats de lleure del Poblenou Open Day

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Poblenou Open DayDissenyArt 2 years

Totes les propostes d’art, fotografia, dansa i música del Poblenou Open Day

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