
Simon returns to Efintec fair 2024 under the motto: “Powering our future”

The electrical and lighting company presents Simon iO, its Smart Home system Simon returns to participate in Efintec, now established… More →

InnovaciónMusic 3 months

BRIDGE_48 y FX Barcelona Film School present 48X Live Music Experience

Next Saturday, September 14, 2024, the creative district of Poblenou will become the epicenter of audiovisual creativity. FX Barcelona Film… More →

PoblenouInnovación 5 months

Beyoo i BarcelonaStudents: Suport Integral per a Estudiants a Poblenou

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Bloomint crea Traza, un nou projecte que repensa la indústria del moble

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Beyoo Marina, el co-living sostenible de Poblenou

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InnovaciónDisseny 5 months

Els dissenys d’Artec guanyen tres Premis Delta de ADI-FAD

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InnovaciónPlacesMusic 6 months

Blit.Studio presents its immersive installation Data-ism at Sónar+D

Blit.Studio will bring its Data-ism show to Sónar+D at Sónar Festival. Data-ism celebrates the collision and fusion of the physical… More →

InnovaciónDisseny 7 months

Indissoluble creates the interactive olfactory installation Scented Shores at the Cité de l’Océan in Biarritz

How does the ship’s hold or seaweed smell? Could you recognize the scent of the sea or distinguish the smell… More →

InnovaciónPlaces 2 years

Neuroarquitectura a les BAU Talks

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InnovaciónPlaces 2 years

Hilton Diagonal Mar Barcelona organitza el seu primer esdeveniment “Feel the Neighborhood”

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Moda i noves narratives a la desfilada ‘Limit No Limits’ de BAU

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