Disseny Hub BArcelona

DHub Barcelona inaugurates DShop, the design store

The Disseny Hub Barcelona opened the doors of its new store this Tuesday, October 29. The new DShop, located inside… More →

Aquest estiu, no et perdis les exposicions del Disseny Hub

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El Disseny Hub Barcelona enceta la programació de tardor amb la Marató DHub 2023

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El Disseny Hub inaugura la exposició temporal “DesigNadal”

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Tot Cor’, the new exhibition at Disseny Hub

From 4 August to 18 September 2022 Disseny Hub Barcelona presents for the first time the complete collection of ‘Tot… More →

Descobreix la programació del Disseny Hub per a la Barcelona Design Week

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Torna La Barcelona Design Week

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Tornen les jornades Barcelona reAct al Disseny Hub

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The second edition of “Design for Inclusion”, an initiative of the Museu del Disseny and Ojalá Projects, is back

The second edition of “Design for Inclusion, the process as a result“, an initiative of the Museu del Disseny and… More →

Never seen before: Banksy at the Design Hub Barcelona

Disseny Hub Barcelona is proud to host BANKSY: The Art of Protest, a major international show soon to arrive in… More →