Portes Obertes a les Universitats i Centres Educatius del Districte Creatiu
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LA NAVE, located in the new building of the BAU Campus, is the place where from 12h to 20h will be held a series of cultural activities framed in the Poblenou Open Day and the Windows Art Circuit / WAC that you can’t miss. A must for all those interested in art, design and technology applied to art.
BAU, Centro Universitario de Artes y Diseño will become, for eight uninterrupted hours, a Cultural Hub produced by Poblenou Urban District, where exhibitions, workshops, art sales and talks with professionals from the art and design sector will coexist.
On the one hand, a selection of artists from the Windows Art Circuit / WAC will exhibit their most outstanding and current works in a space converted into an interdisciplinary gallery.
You will have the opportunity to live and meet artists such as Ladislas, Tropidelia, Alejandro Macizo, Lisa Rubin, Angel Cho, Vikrant Mishra, Beatriz Mendez de Molina, Sara Ojanguren, Flavia Rainone, Alícia Vogel, No queda Tinte, Lucas Estévez and Sonia Toneu.
A space in which, in addition to hosting this multidisciplinary art exhibition, you can enjoy a family illustration workshop taught by Ramón París, a specialist in this discipline with different materials. Free workshop.
Limited places, 20 with companion.
Time: from 15h to 17h
Address: Ciutat de Granada 34
David Ruiz, designer and tireless explorer and author of the recently published book “Irse*”, will tell us about the journey that he lived around the world sailing alone for four years. How he closed his creative studio ruizcompany during this long period of time, to come back later and continue again with his activity, concluding that fears castrate our dreams and can condemn us to a mediocre existence, and having corroborated in his own skin what he says: “If you do extraordinary things, extraordinary things will happen to you”.
Motivations, mental preparation, doubts and decisions. The crossing of the three great oceans, the mythical islands of the South Pacific, the forced stay of a month in a remote place in the North of Australia in the company of a crocodile, the crossing of the High Risk Area, up to the Horn of Africa, or the months spent in a desert paradise off the Egyptian coast after the outbreak of the pandemic.
These and other episodes will be narrated by the protagonist himself and illustrated with photographs and videos.
Come and awaken your most adventurous self!
Remember: Time of the open talk at 12:30h
Address: Ciutat de Granada 34
Luzildab co-founders Mike van der Noordt and Giles Pooley will present DIGITAL CANVAS, an augmented reality platform that allows artists to create digital art of all types and scales, and place it in any urban environment.
Introduction to Digital Canvas will cover:
What is Digital Canvas and what does it consist of?
How did Mike take it from an idea and turned it into a platform for other artists?
How can it be used by artists to create new works or repurpose existing pieces to reach new audiences?
What types of artwork can be created?
What limitations does it entail (needs of an application)?
How can users access/view the works?….
A unique opportunity to discover a new way of creating and interpreting Art. It can be a new language that will transform the concept of creation and communication in every sense.
Time: 17h to 18h
Collaborative exhibition from 12h to 20h
There will be a space dedicated to the sale of art and a News & Coffee to relax and enlighten yourself with a selection of independent and international magazines of the latest art and design.